California Pet Friendly Vacations Are Becoming Easier to Find

As both a dog lover and a vacation rental home owner, I have often encountered the subject of travelling with a beloved pet. While just a few short years ago, it was relatively rare to find hotel accommodation that would welcome, or at least, put up with my well behaved and lovable Boxer, Ouzo. Occasionally while we travelled up Interstate 5 in California, we would stop at the beautiful Harris Ranch. One, because it’s a great stop over with beautiful accommodations and superb food, mid way for us on our drive as well. But also, they treat Fido the way WE treat Fido, with love and care! They even provide a small sign to put on your door so people know there is a dog in the room.

Personally, I know that one reason I loved travelling with Ouzo ( now passed on) is because he was so fun to be with! Not at all a hassle, and always very well behaved in any new place. So, when I became the owner of a great vacation beach rental home, it was a no brainer for me to accept dogs. I know that for the most part, if people want to be with their pets, it’s because the pets are nice to be around, and are well behaved.

What should you expect as a pet owner who is travelling through California or who wants to rent a fun vacation property rental? First off, most hotels, motels and California holiday rentals will require a small pet deposit, which will be refundable upon your departure as long as no damage was done. (We know your precious pooch would NEVER damage anything, it’s just like insurance is all!) In over ten years of renting out to dog lovers, I have never had to retain the $50.00 per pet deposit I collect.

Dog friendly may mean different things to different people. Be sure you know just what to expect before you book the hotel room or holiday home. Ask questions about things such as floor coverings, as this can be important for your dog’s comfort. Plan to bring along some of your pet’s familiar things to make them feel at home – toys or bedding for instance. Many pet friendly places do provide dishes and water bowls for your pet, but think about bringing something familiar here as well, to add to the comfort and lessen the strangeness of new surroundings.

Check out in advance a good place to walk the dog, the owner or booking agent should be able to provide that info. Our vacation home offers a beach accommodation. If your visit is to a beach vacation house, make sure you know in advance that the beach is dog friendly, as well. Many California beaches do not allow dogs. Our beach, Dillon Beach, in Northern California, allows dogs to run free at water’s edge, which they just love! Nothing like a day chasing birds at the shore to make for a tired and happy dog at the end of the day! Having fun together and relaxing in the evening is what I want for my guests and their “kids”, even the 4 footed kind!

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